Hello, When it comes to supplements for the heart, the first thing we want to do is reduce inflammation. In addition to general anti-inflammatories like Thai-Go, Co-Q10 is a very specific anti-inflammatory for the heart. Co-Q10 is an enzyme found in all body cells but most commonly in the heart. Scientific studies have shown that people who have suffered a heart attack or who have high blood pressure greatly improve by taking Co-Q10. Large doses have even helped repair heart tissue after a heart attack. Anyone who has problems with bleeding gums is at risk for cardiac inflammation, as there is a strong correlation between the two. Co-Q10 helps reduce inflammation in both the heart and the gums. Statin drugs deplete Co-Q10 levels, so anyone taking statins should also take Co-Q10. Co-Q10 75 is a good choice for a supplement. This information is for educational purposes only. Please consult a competent health practitioner for all serious health concerns. Additional herbal supplements for the heart are: Hawthorn, Cardio Assurance, Garlic, Super Omega 3 EPA, Magnesium, and Blood Pressurex. Ref: Sunshine Sharing Newsletter Vol. 10 No. 7.
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Angela Palacio (916)538-1863 aepalacio@pacbell.net http://www.mynsp.com/aepalacio |  |
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